Life path number 6 compatibility
Life path number 6 compatibility

YOUR SOUL NUMBER AS A GUIDEĪnother number to consider for address compatibility is using your Soul Number as a guide.

life path number 6 compatibility

This person is an 8 Life Path and the address numbers 2 4, and 8 are most compatible numbers to consider for someone with an 8 Life Path number. Your Life Path number is calculated very simply by adding the day, month and year of your birth like this for someone who was born on March 12, 2009: 3 + 12 + 2009 = 2024 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 8 So whatever Life Path you are, simply refer to the Address Category that is relevant to you to find out which ones would work for your home environment and which ones would be a challenge for your home environment. Therefore, I’ve added a section under each address vibration for numbers that are compatible or a challenge to your Life Path number. I believe this is an important number in determining address compatibility because for example, if you like to work at home, some addresses are more conducive to this process. It is also the one number in your chart that can be used as a gauge to help you identify vocations or a suitable career. It’s your life experience number and the lessons you are here to learn and carry out. The Life Path number represents who you are at birth and the native traits that you will carry with you through life. It’s also important to understand how your address (personal or professional) relates to your Life Path Number and if it works for or against you. CONSIDERATIONS YOUR LIFE PATH NUMBER AS A GUIDE You want to make sure that your numbers are compatible with you and others who reside in the home and the lifestyle you desire. If you’ve been a multiple home or apartment dweller you may have noticed that some addresses were completely in the flow for you and everything was harmonious, while other addresses may have felt out of sync with your desires and energies.

life path number 6 compatibility

Many people have only lived at one address their entire lives, but many others have had multiple addresses. I highly recommend that you avoid Karmic Debt Numbers 13, 14, 16 and 19 before they reduce to a single digit. However, your address number predicts the kind of events and experiences that can occur while living at a particular address. No number is better than another, and each one has a positive and negative side to it. Numbers are vibrations which characterize the energy around you and sets the tone for your living or work space. The Numerology of your home or business can affect your happiness, your state of mind and your well-being. Every number has a positive and a negative. IS YOUR ADDRESS THE RIGHT VIBRATION FOR YOU?Įverywhere we look, we are surrounded by vibrations and they all have a certain quality that attracts or repels.

life path number 6 compatibility

A compatibility guide, based on your Life Path, is included in each address vibration. But let’s delve into the address vibration you live at, or which address would be best for you in case you are living in an incompatible address vibration. There is of course more information about Tesla’s 3,6,9 theory online. I believe this is simply fascinating address information to pass along. He would only stay on the 3rd, 6th or 9th floors, and it was reported that he would circle the block 3, 6 or 9 times before attending a meeting. It is widely noted that Tesla would only stay in hotel rooms that contained the numbers 3, 6, or 9. To him, they represented, among other things, the holy trinity, the rule of three and the golden ratio. Nikola Tesla is famous for this quote about the numbers 3, 6, 9. “If You only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6, and 9, then you would have the keys to the universe.” - Nikola Tesla

Life path number 6 compatibility