Mercury is a dynamic planet so keep on moving, Mercury will keep you busy wherever he is. Why? Debate, discussion, contacts and communications are what Mercury is about.

So, ideas, speech, written communications, short journeys, mediation will be part of the bag. This enables you to plan, make decisions and take actions that affect your life during the year and possibly beyond. The concept of Mercury as the ‘middle man’ is very important as Mercury relies on its connections to fully integrate your thought processes into a complete information package. Exactly how your mental state, thoughts and ideas relate to other parts of your life and connect with your actions and emotions will depend on the links Mercury makes to other planets, for Mercury is, after all, the planet of connection and communication. Mercury also tells you about your state of mind and shows how your perceptions are being influenced. The odds are, you’ll also be writing and talking about them too.

Where Mercury’s wings settle you will be thinking about the activities associated with that house for most, if not all, of that Solar Return year. In the Solar Return Chart, Mercury is about ideas and their dissemination. Wherever the Moon is found, your feelings will be in play. As it waxes and wanes it may also indicate areas of your life in a state of transition. The Solar Return Moon draws you unconsciously towards areas that need ‘looking after’ or where you feel looked after – both sides of an interpretation are possible and most likely probable in your Solar Return Chart for the Moon is reliable in its unreliability. The Moon’s house position may therefore show you areas of your life where you need to learn to ‘handle’ stuff better. Such matters often require us to deal with issues that span the emotional spectrum and may be difficult for us to deal with. That may be a physical location which you associate with an emotional issue for the Moon also rules the home, family and your deep emotional security. The Solar Return Moon, however, indicates where you will feel most comfortable in your world for the year. The Solar Return Moon, like the Natal Moon, is all about emotional responses. I don’t hold with the view that the Universe has a gender bias, however it may be that the Sun in your chart shines a light on men in your life (regardless of your own gender) or lights up a sector of your life where you need to visibly demonstrate your personal authority in some way. The Sun can also be an indicator of men/masculinity in general and it has been argued that this is particularly so in a woman’s chart. It shines a light on things you need to be ‘doing’ and you may feel compelled to express whatever it is your Sun placement is highlighting in your chart. So, the Sun shows your main focus for the year but also shows you the part of your life where you really need to focus on yourself. Wherever the Sun falls your Solar Return Chart, you will find yourself putting out a lot of energy and be drawn towards activities associated with that house for that will be where your priorities are. Here’s hoping my Solar Return Sun in the Ninth House is working well! Solar Returns: The Sun The short descriptions in this post are taken from my book on Solar Returns, ‘Solar Returns: An Introduction’ which is now available from in kindle and paperback editions.

Mars trine neptune interpretation how to#
I would advise having a note of your House Keywords available when you make your analysis – and you will find those in Solar Returns: How To Interpret The Houses link here and at the end of this post. The planets in your Solar Return Chart show you ‘what’ is going to happen and the house placements show you ‘where’, so it’s very useful to read both articles for insights into interpreting your own Solar Return Chart. A short while ago I posted an article analysing the Solar Return Houses and this post is the follow up to that. So, understanding how the planets function in your Solar Return Chart is useful when you’re interpreting your Solar Return Chart for the year. However, because the chart is temporary – only lasting for one year – interpreting the Solar Return Chart House positions of your Solar Return Sun (and the other planets) will be different from the meanings you will be familiar with from your Natal Chart. Solar Return Charts are one of the best tools of Predictive Astrology we have at our disposal. 12.3 Related Solar Return Planets: Introduction